Configuración de la tienda

How to set up your own store

Setting up your own store on is easy and affordable. Subscription fees for stores are based off the number of items you plan to list and the amount of the subscription time (see site fees page). 

You can name your store and upload your own logo, store description, set your own custom categories and more. 

To set up your store, login to your account and select "Store set up" in your account dashboard.

Then you will just follow the simple steps. You will choose a subscription type and make your payment for the subscription type.


Store Name

Name your store. Funny, catchy, profound, classy or simple just make it your own.

Store Description

Describe your store. Try to write a concise paragraph about your store.

Your Store Logo

Upload your store logo. This is your store identity, of course. If you don't have a logo you may want to consider having one made. You can search for logo design companies to find a company to design one for you. Don't think that a quality logo is crazy expensive because they don't have to be.

Store Category

Select the most relevant category where it would fit.

Store Meta Description (recommended)

Add keywords that best describe the store in order to be better indexed by search engines (no more than 155 characters).

Store Pages

From the Store Pages menu complete:

About Page (optional)

Provide a detailed description of the store to give potential customers a better understanding of the business.

Shipping Information (optional)

List shipping methods, return policies, pick-up hours and any other additional shipping related policies.

Company Policies (optional)

Explain terms of service, privacy, refund policies and other company related policies

Custom Categories

You can create your own category, in the Custom Categories menu, if there are no categories accurately describing your store items. Leave empty to use the site's default categories.

(Important note: After creating New Categories, add them to the store using the Select Categories field from the Setup menu).

That's all it takes to set up your own store on! Now just upload your items for sale and enjoy playing your part in World Commerce!